LOOKING FOR ENGLISH TEACHER JOBSSuggested Online Certifications for English Teacher Job SeekersClick here to view the certificate.
Benefits of ExpertRating Certifications - ExpertRating is a leader in online skills assessment and certification. ExpertRating certified professionals are working with leading companies around the world and have clearly exhibited a 20% better performance and efficiency than their counterparts who are not certified.
Some useful websites for Job seekers - www.AmericasJobBank.com www.CareerCenter.com www.CareerBuilder.com www.EmailMyResume.com www.Help-Wanted.net Useful tip for Job seekers - If you feel that your organisation may have changed its long-term focus and your skills may not be as important as before, it is good to have a word with your immediate superior and explain your wish to change your job specification. Your initiative may actually prompt your immediate supervisor to recommend you for a promotion. Author: Colin Ong TS |
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