LOOKING FOR PAINTING JOBSSuggested Online Certifications for Painting Job SeekersClick here to view the certificate.
Benefits of ExpertRating Certifications - ExpertRating is a leader in online skills assessment and certification. ExpertRating certified professionals are working with leading companies around the world and have clearly exhibited a 20% better performance and efficiency than their counterparts who are not certified.
Some useful websites for Job seekers - www.CareerCity.com www.CareerMart.com www.CareerSite.com www.FocusOnResumes.com www.JobBankUSA.com Useful tip for Job seekers - If you are considering a career change, make a list of everything you’ve ever considered doing even if it seems outlandish. Then make a list of questions you’d like to get answered about those careers. As you get your questions answered, start making commitments about what you WILL have in your next career. Narrow down your choices until you’ve settled on one to target. Author: Ann Ronan, Ph.D. |
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